Fleet management is made easy with the implementation of mobile apps. Here, let’s explore the must-have features and benefits of a fleet management app.

Fleet management is made easy with the implementation of mobile apps. Here, let’s explore the must-have features and benefits of a fleet management app.
A productive inventory management system is the cornerstone of every fleet management system. Fleet managers need to handle many tasks every minute; fleet coordination and management must be done with utmost care. Fleet managers need to check whether the fleet has dispatched on time and reach the destination on time; they must also keep their […]
Fleet downtime is one of the significant issues concerning fleet managers. The period during which a vehicle is not available to run safely on the road is termed as downtime. Fleet downtime will affect the business, its operations, and the bottom line in various ways. Some industry research indicates that the expenses from vehicle downtime […]
In today’s technology-savvy world, the volume of available data for fleets can be too many. It is essential to sort out and identify the right information for an effective fleet management system. The advent of Big Data is reinventing fleet management; it has made more comfortable access to vast volumes of data related to […]
The sudden outbreak of the pandemic has hit hard on fleet management and has become a challenge for fleet managers and owners alike. It became essential to have an efficient fleet maintenance system in hand to meet the requirements to connect digitally and cope with the tightening budgets. Fleet maintenance practices should be followed to […]