Never Let An incident go unnoticed.
Automax Incident Management System deals with suspicious incidents and problems.The system ensures that all issues are addressed and resolved at the right time.
Incident Management System
AutoMax Incident management system (IMS) allows recording all received incidents through the call centre by dispatching them to the user to open a new incident, create an incident ticket inside the system and fill in the data according to the caller description, then linking the incidents with their geographical locations.
Features of AutoMax Incident Management System are listed below:
- Web-enabled work (web-based).
- The user interface is in Arabic and English languages.
- Changing language at any moment during system work.
- Running in different operating environments.
- Accessing the system via any device connected to the network.
- The availability of a “system manager” with all powers, including granting powers to the user.
- The multiplicity of users and powers.
- Supporting multiple databases management systems, including MS SQL and ORACLE.
- The possibility to access the system through smart devices.
- Providing a unified and integrated geographic database.
- Supporting all kinds of electronic maps. Showing Incidents’ locations on electronic maps.
- Connectivity with the unified communication system.
- Receiving reports via all forms of communication and social media.
- Receiving reports via a special program installed on smart devices such as iPhone, Galaxy, Nokia, Blackberry, and others.
- Receiving reports by the SCADA system.
- Showing caller location whether using mobile or fixed phone.
- Caller’s previous calls.
- Informer of previous Incidents.
- Incidents’ classification.
- Incidents’ seriousness classification.
- Instantaneous reports for incidents.
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